Firmware release package

There are two release packages available for the XVF3610, one for the XVF3610-UA and one for the XVF3610-INT.

Release packages and firmware builds are identified via a version number, which follows the standard semantic version specification. The version number format is X.Y.Z, eg 5.2.0, and these numbers have the following meaning.

Table 3 Firmware version number structure





Major version number

Significant release of the firmware. The control interface may not be backwards compatible with earlier versions


Minor version number

New features added, but the control interface is backwards compatible with earlier host applications


Patch version number

Bug fixes for incorrect functionality only. No change to host interface

The release version is contained in the file name of firmware file distribution and can also be read via the control interface using the GET_VERSION command.

Each package consists of several directories and files containing released firmware binaries, data-partition tools, host binaries and host source code. A simplified directory structure is shown below.

├── bin
├── data-partition
│    ├── images
│    └── input
└── host
    ├── Linux
    │    └── bin
    ├── MAC
    └── bin
    ├── Pi
    │    ├── bin
    │    └── scripts
    ├── Win32
    │    └── bin
    └── src
         ├── dfu
         ├── dpgen
         └── vfctrl

The contents of the main top level directories are shown below:

“bin” Directory

This directory contains the released firmware for the XVF3610. There are two copies of the firmware; one intended for loading from an external flash device and one for loading from an external host over SPI (XVF3610 is the slave). Please refer to the SPI Slave boot section of the datasheet for connections to the external boot source.

“data-partition” Directory

The data partition contains configuration data for the XVF3610 firmware, implemented as a set of commands that are run at boot time. The data partition is created using input command source files and a set of tools which are described in the Data Partition section of this document. The contents of the data-partition directory are as follows:

The root directory contains default data partition image source files (int.json or ua.json) as well as the generic flash device specification 16mbit_12.5mhz_sector_4kb.spispec, data partition generation scripts and short instructions about how to generate data partition binary files.

  • The images subdirectory contains pre-generated data partition binary files generated from the default data partition image source file. These files are suitable for direct programming into the external flash along with the firmware, should the default settings be suitable.

  • The input subdirectory contains short command sequences which are referenced by the data partition image source file when the data partition binary file is generated.

In addition, an output directory is created during the running of the data partition generation script which contains the newly generated data partition binary file.

“host” Directory

This directory contains files and utilities relating to the host. The various host utilities that perform parameter control, DFU and data partition generation are provided pre-compiled for Linux (ARM and x86), Windows and MacOS platforms. These binaries can be found in the Linux, Pi, Mac and Win32 directories along with an additional script in for the Pi release called which provides an example of sending an SPI boot image from the host.

The root of the host directory also contains scripts for unpacking packed signals which can be captured using the controls described in the signal routing section of this document.

Instructions for building the host utilities from the source are also provided in the same directory. The source files for the host utilities are contained in the src sub-directory allowing building, modification or integration into other projects.

Within this directory there are three further sub-directories dfu, dpgen and vfctrl which contain the source files (and dependent libraries) for the DFU, data partition generator and parameter control utilities.

Required Tools

In order to update the firmware, modify and regenerate Data Partitions and rebuild the host utilities the following tools are required.

XTC Tools

The XMOS XTC Tools contains a comprehensive suite of tools for compilation, debug and programming of XMOS devices. It is available to download


At the time of writing v15.1 of XTC Tools is recommend for programming XVF3610 firmware. More recent versions may be available, but unless specified on the website they will not have been tested and verified for operation with XVF3610.

Further information about the full tool suite, including installation instructions for different platforms is available here in the XTC Tools user guide, available from

The XVF3610 Voice Processor is provided in two pre-compiled builds (-UA and -INT) and as such only requires the usage of the XTC Tools programming tools, specifically xflash. This operates as a command-line application, to create the boot image, and if using flash, program the boot image to the attached device.

An XTAG debugger must be connected to the XVF3610 for flash programming operations. Refer to the Development Kit User Guide for information on using XTAG connections to XVF3610 development kits.

The basic form of the xflash command for flash image creation and programming with a data partition is as follows (note multiple lines have been used for clarity, but command should be executed on single line).

xflash --boot-partition-size 0x100000 --factory [Application executable (.xe)] --data [Data partition description (.bin)]


For boot over SPI from a host processor uses a specific image which is supplied in the release package. No data partition is included as configuration command are assumed to be supplied by the host controller used.

  • Application executable (.xe) The .xe file is a boot image provided with a VocalFusion release package in one of the supported configurations (-UA or -INT product variants).

  • Data partition description (.bin) The .bin file is a data partition description either supplied in the release package (-UA or -INT) or customised as described later in this guide.


Running XTC Tools on macOS Catalina or above triggers a security alert. The process to resolve this is detailed here :

Python 3

Some operations, such as running the SPI boot example on the Raspberry Pi, require the use of Python 3 (v3.7 onward is recommended). Python can be downloaded from

Host build tools

The release package contains executable versions of the host tools. The source code is also indluded to provide the option for users to customise these tools. In order to build the host utilities, the use of a platform-specific compiler is required.

The host utilities are built with the x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS which is installed as part of the Build Tools for Visual Studio. This can be downloaded from Microsoft website (at the time of writing latest versions available here: It is important to ensure that the optional C++ CMake tools for Windows are included when setting up the installation.

Depending on the distribution and version of Linux used, the following packages may need to be installed:

sudo apt-get install -y build-essential
sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config
sudo apt-get install -y libusb-1.0-0-dev

The XCode Command Line tools are required to build in on macOS. The following command can be used to install the tools.

xcode-select --install