Example Application Tests

The example application tests are designed to regression test behavior for many of the example applications. These tests should be run whenever the code of an example is changed.

Hardware Setup

The target hardware for these tests is the XCORE-AI-EXPLORER board.

Running Tests

NOTE: The example application tests are a work in progress. Expect changes here soon.

FreeRTOS Examples

First, build all the FreeRTOS example applications.

bash tools/ci/build_freertos_examples.sh

Run the tests with the following commands:

bash test/examples/run_freertos_getting_started_tests.sh <optional adapter-id>
bash test/examples/run_freertos_explorer_board_tests.sh <optional adapter-id>
bash test/examples/run_freertos_dispatcher_tests.sh <optional adapter-id>
bash test/examples/run_freertos_l2_cache_tests.sh <optional adapter-id>

Bare-metal Examples

First, build all the bare-metal example applications.

bash tools/ci/build_metal_examples.sh

TODO: The bare-metal tests are a work in progress.