.. _lib_xcore_api: ######### lib_xcore ######### lib_xcore is a system library that provides a C API for the underlying hardware features of an xcore tile. A header file is provided for each functional area, and can be included with a line such as: .. code-block:: C #include By default, lib_xcore is automatically added to the list of libraries for linking, so there is no need to use :option:`xcc -l`. *********** API Details *********** xcore/assert.h ============== .. doxygenfile:: assert.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/chanend.h =============== .. doxygenfile:: chanend.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/channel_streaming.h ========================= .. doxygenfile:: channel_streaming.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/channel_transaction.h =========================== .. doxygenfile:: channel_transaction.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/channel.h =============== .. doxygenfile:: channel.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/clock.h ============= .. doxygenfile:: clock.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/hwtimer.h =============== .. doxygenfile:: hwtimer.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/interrupt_wrappers.h ========================== .. doxygenfile:: interrupt_wrappers.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/interrupt.h ================= .. doxygenfile:: interrupt.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/lock.h ============ .. doxygenfile:: lock.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/minicache.h ================= .. doxygenfile:: minicache.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/parallel.h ================ .. doxygenfile:: parallel.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/port_protocol.h ===================== .. doxygenfile:: port_protocol.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/port.h ============ .. doxygenfile:: port.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/select.h ============== .. doxygenfile:: select.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/swmem_evict.h =================== .. doxygenfile:: swmem_evict.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/swmem_fill.h ================== .. doxygenfile:: swmem_fill.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/thread.h ============== .. doxygenfile:: thread.h :project: lib_xcore xcore/triggerable.h =================== .. doxygenfile:: triggerable.h :project: lib_xcore